Friday, February 7, 2025

Kalu to head U17 Championship organizing committee

FAZ President, Kalusha Bwalya who is a CAF Executive Committee member has been given the responsibility to Chair the Organizing Committee of the Under 17 African Championships.

Football Association of Zambia Executive Committee member, Happie Munkondya has been appointed to sit on the CAF Finance Committee for the period, 2015-2017, while Association General Secretary George Mwila Kasengele has retained his position on the Inter-Club Competition Standing Committee.

The appointments were made during the CAF Executive Committee meeting held in Zurich last week on the sidelines of the 65th FIFA congress that re-elected Joseph Blatter as President for another four year period.

Another Zambian that has been re-appointed is Chipolopolo Team Doctor Joseph Kabungo who will continue sitting on the Continental body’s Medical Committee for the same period.

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  1. The team that honor Janza has called to represent zambia against guinea Bissau is a mockery to Zambians all over the world. I will not stop protesting till this injustice is undone. Patson daka is not ready for the national team let him work his way up the junior ranks we are tired of greedy officials trying to market him. Those who are under rating Mayuka how dare you look down on the best striker in the land. Mayuka must always be in the team fit or not! Rodger kola is the best foreign based striker we have and he is continously ignored. Given singuluma has been one of the best performers in recent months and he’s ignored. You are experiencing a striker crisis and you ignore experienced players like mbesuma and Jacob mulenga. To add insult to injury you ignore talented lubambo musonda and select useless players like Jackson mwanza and bornwell mwape. Failures who could not beat Namibia. Congo Brazzaville will skin us alive at this rate. I will not stop protesting.

    • At least you have dropped the HR diatribe. Post us some recent video of Kola just to appreciate his movements on the ball. I think Janza has a tough Equatorial Ginuea game to summount. I feel sorry for him.

    • Agreed on most of what you’ve said apart from one statement. “Mayuka should always be in the team fit or not”. I don’t think he’s reached that level yet. But yes this is a strange call up. I see no sense in leaving out a fit Mayuka and an in form Kola. This is a recipe for more disaster.

    • Sorry, Mayuka should be in the team fit or not?????????? uhhhhhhhh im getting brain freeze by that statement….lol

      Yes the selection leaves a lot to be desired, it exposes Janza’s coaching poverty.

      I totally disagree with you on Mayuka, no player is bigger than the team and Mayuka has still got a long way to go before he can claim such a level of badges in the National team.

      He should come and be assessed if he passes the assessment then we can talk about a spot for him. If he was such a great player…..then how come the EPL and Ligue 1 have turned out to big for him???

      He is very gifted and on his day is definitely one of the best Zambia has seen in a long time but if he is not fit, he should sit down.

  2. This is great for Zambia and it’s quest to get recognition. We haven’t had so much representation at CAF since independence and Kalusha must be given a thumbs up for his selflessness.

    The more representation we have at CAF the easier it is to be heard and make an impact.

      • Thank you Billy for pointing that out. Kalu is not using his name well for the better of Zambian football, he is using it for his personal gain and that comes with greedy and corruption and that is whats destroying him. People are missing that point. If a lot of Kalu’s cadres loved him so much, they would advise him when he errs, but no they take it that us who criticize Kalu’s wrong doings are nothing but haters, which is not the case. We want him as our hero to be clean and not associate himself with Corrupt minds like Issa and all those fucks at Caf. Good leaders find balance to accommodate change for the better of the game, but Kalu is taking FAZ presidency as a personal entitlement and not a responsibility and that is where he has gone wrong. Ba “Yes sirs” are in denial, but truth be told, Kalu is arrogant and wants everything done his way without consulting other parties involved. This is a trend with African leadership also,but I won’t go far into that. Leadership is not seen as a responsibility, but power to dominate those under you and an entitlement at large. Zambia needs selfless leaders not greedy ones. Leaders that put people first before personal gain, but try tell that to Kalu, he will slap you as he did with a reporter back then. Good leaders learn from criticism, constructive criticism I mean not Malicious, but Kalu blocks anybody from his tweeter when you disagree with him or point out the flaws in his mismanagement of FAZ or the corruption with FIFA. As Kwame Says in the African proverb “When water stays in a bottle for a long time, it stinks” I believe its been sticking for a while with Kalu and it time we pour it out.

  3. Kalu and his clowns at Faz being appointed left,right and centre am sure they’re very happy,but the people who made them get those recognitions are not happy not even for you Kalu and your money hungry clowns.

    • Yup that’s right Discipline, but it will soon catch up with them all, its just sad that guy we are supposed to look up to is the one destroying the legacy and reputation of the game. Make on wonder who to trust at the helm. We have the young developing leaders like CK11, but should we be scared to put these guys into leaders roles when Kalu’s time is gone? What leadership model is Kalu teaching the young ones when we read that is involved in bribes in FIFA scandals? Why can’t anything good happen for mother Zambia? You don’t hear that nonsense with other African greats like Abedi, Okocha,Sammy Koufor, the Roger Millas, but our greedy Kalu. Mxxm

  4. Good point indeed,very good points @Tc Soccerman you are spot on the negatives which are bringing our game down because you care but, Kalu and his pathetic greedy “Yes Sirs”at Faz claim to love the game soo much but care less and seem not to noticing that it has gone down since 2012,all they care is cut from player transfers in the name of “I recommended this or that lad ” and gets the cut from the club,cut from marketing useless unsaleable lads like Jackson,Malama,Justine or trying to market granpas like Felix,Chamanga all in the name of money.While all the nation mournes when the team lose to the likes of Malawi,Namibia.May the good almighty Lord have mercy on you Kalu and those pathetic clowns of yours.

    • Well said. I hope a lot of people could realized we DO NOT HATE KALU AND HIS REGIME, WE HATE THE CORRUPTION period.

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