Zambia’s opponents in the opening match of their 2026 World Cup qualification journey, Congo Brazzaville, have jetted in hours before kick off.
Congo left Brazzaville after midnight and landed at the Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport in Ndola at 04h30.
The team checked into their hotel an hour later to get some rest ahead of a packed day for them which ends with an encounter with the Copper Bullets this evening.
The Red Devils will have a walk at 12h00 from their hotel which will lead them to the Stadium to have a feel of the turf.
Zambia and Congo Brazzaville lock horns at 18h00 at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium.
Tickets are on sale across Shoprite outlets with prices pegged at K50, K150, K250 and K750.
Wishing you the best Zambia šæš² one love ā¤ļø šŖš¦µ
Will they show it on znbc?
We hope for the best…to win is our goal. Go Zambia gošæš²
Wish you all the best boys