Football Association of Zambia President Kalusha Bwalya has had his say on Zambia Under-23’s early elimination and failure to qualify for the Olympics.
Kalusha, who was in that 1988 great side which made Africa proud which thumped Italy 4-0 at the Seoul Olympics felt the boys let themselves down on Tuesday after a second capitulation.
“I thought it was an most important match, we let ourselves down. In the first half we seemed to be in control and after we scored there was not so much danger coming from South Africa.
“At the beginning of the second half, in a 6 minute spell we lost the match. At the end we did not step up to take the opportunity that was before us. We go out learning the hard way. We have to recover and start to prepare for the CHAN now ,” added Kalusha.
Zambia boasted of over 10 players with senior international caps and in addition to that the entire national team technical bench was in charge.
Most of the players from the Under-23 are likely to form the backborne of the CHAN Squad.
But chan is irrelevant. What’s the use of chan.under 23 was for the olympics under 17 and under 20 world cup. Chan is a meaningless tournament nobody on earth will follow. Kalu is f00lish he is the one who caused this with his marketing of players. Kalu is the one who picks all the players. Once he sells them or if he doesn’t like you he has no interest in you and you will never play for zambia.
I remember the former senior chipolopolo players Davies Phiri, and Harry Milanzi said the same. That Kalusha likes monopolising everything to do with Zambian football. The least of players he has blocked is swelling thus denying some players a chance with the national team.
The coaching staff is to blame when Zambia is moving with the ball there is no game plan its like the players just kick at someone with green look at how Tunisia and SA young stars were moving with purpose and the positioning by strikers was perfect and don’t forget we had 5 senior players in that team.
It will be another early elimination at chan tournament.
Chicken George Cant Take us Anywere, He went and impossed that very useless formation on the U23. ( 2 defensive Mids, 2 Strikers and 2 Wingers ) Same formation he uses at the senior team. the idea behind that is not to play through the middle but to be playing long balls to the strikers…Ridiculous
Chan Will be another “let’s go back to the drawing board”! Nothing will be achieved! The government must channel this money which is being wasted by footballers to something more. Productive. We are simply ‘useless’!
The preparetion we need is the preparetion of the new broom at the Football House.
I am a little shocked myself but I agree with my brother John…lol….This f00lish trend of selecting players for marketing purposes is killing our game. It has become quite blatantly obvious players are not picked on merit but on the backbone of their potential to line some peoples pockets. I can almost bet my left arm even Kalengo’s PSL moves have a Kalu hand in them.
PATHETIC FAZ President Kalusha Bwalya has taken our football to the DOGS. He should resign from his position on moral grounds! PATHETIC!
A commission of inquiry should immediately be set up to establish what criteria was used to selected that USELESS under 23 team. This is a serious scandal and heads must roll!
Going to CHAN will be a waster of tax payers money. Our football needs a complete overhaul. Kalusha is a cancer to our football. It’s high time he leaves or we will force him to leave ourselves. We can’t go on like this. enough is enough!!!!
Lwandimina is a but I don’t blame him for failing to beat guinea bissau. Kalusha is the one who picked the team that played in that game. That is why patson daka and Allan mukuka started. Kalu was fighting to sell mukuka to sa and daka to lille. This Nonsence has to stop.
With the current FAZ executive at the helm we risk missing out on qualifying for the next world cup. Kalu had no experience of managing anything prior to joining the FAZ executive hence what we are seeing. To prove the maladministration in FAZ jst look at our performances at all the tournaments this year. We have been pathetic to say the least. Look at the state of the football house environment and coupled with corruption we wont go far in our football. Expecting success against this background is a pipe dream. Wake up FAZ councillors.
We are going to be BOOTED out in the first round of the CHAN tournament. Mark my words!
There is a saying that doing the same thing over and again and expecting different results is madness.
So what if we perform well at chan? Chan is going to take us nowhere. The under 23, under 17 and 20 served as qualifiers to global tournaments. We are not going anywhere.
Just as much as I don’t say Kalu is a saint, some of the attacks here have no basis. When was the state of Zambian football better run. Give facts.
The government refused to pay money for an expert coach.
*We won Afcon.
*Deals with Supersport
*A deal with Nike (although the quality was not the best
* Sunzu and Co went to World Cup-20
* We have qualified for tournaments (although we have not done well.
* We don’t hear of players going on strike or money squabbles.
Now can you guys supply proof of a FAZ in the past, which performed better?
Those who want to take over FAZ, what have they achieved at club level e.g Kamanga, Ponga?
How and why should any serious footballing nation allow its FA to be manned by an ex captain domiciled abroad?
I just cant understand it and Zambian s have irritatingly accepted it for far too long.
Kalusha must show patriotism over self aggrandizement,thispride is running down a football powerhouse.
In most cases the liquidity of the country directly relates to successes, the qualifications which Zambia has experienced in the past few years has been associated more strongly to the economy and willingness of the government to provide resources to the national football team. It just happen the Kalusha came in at the right time, we could have done much better if management was prudent enough. We cannot dispute the success Kalusha had during his playing days but also he benefited a lot from government support as a player, among others he was always paid more than any player in the team and if I am not mistaken he was also issued with a VIP passport, no any other player in Zambia has had that opportunity. He holding that highest position in FAZ but will not be long now especially with expected changes in the administration of football worldwide
*Supersport would have signed Zambian league with or without Kalu
*Zambia is nation, the deal with nike is a mystery with mystery benefit. Only just recently did Zambians see a strip they could own. Maybe we would be better off elsewhere.
*Sunzu and co went the under wc under a different president.
*maybe we don’t hear of squabbles because of oppression, but we have heard of some.
Football has taken greater urgency(2012 afcon), but standards for our local league has not improved.
You are jst a fool who is jst exposing your lack of rational thinking. Pipo like you have really dragged the nation backward. Corrupt individuals and organisation will not take us anywhere. Twifwila ati balileta Afcon that is a simplistic way of looking at issues.
Ilyashi ilikaya….same old story like a syllabus of failure tht we use all the time and the final topic is unit 10. LET’S GET BACK 2 THE DRAWING BOARD. Thrz no way we can ever recover mr. Bwalya we r on life support. A miracle is wht we need.
pease dont insult ,if only you could raise your displeasure objectively.we all kniw there is talent in zambia,we are just lucking somewhere,in my view its from coaching aspect.
I say it again as some who are not brainwashed and still living in Kalu’s past glory. Kalu is pathetic at leadership. He needs to be caned really quickly to save Zambian football. This corrupt dude just has to go.
Fire yourself Kalu!
He won’t, money is the source of all evils and since money comes first, he won’t because he needs that cashflow to sustain his lavish foreign living at the expense of the Nation’s football. The saddest part of it all it that they are people who are still buying into this guy’s antics and that’s the real problem.
Say what?……
From the post Paper.
HENSCHEL Chitembeya says it will be difficult for FAZ to attract sponsors following recent revelations by the association’s former treasurer Kelvin Mutafu.
And Chitembeya said Mutafu’s decision to come out in the open after six years of being part of the system was questionable.
In an interview, the former FAZ executive committee member and aspiring presidential candidate said it was under the same reasons that he and three other executive members resigned in 2010.
“The challenge that will come through is that it will be difficult to attract sponsors when we have so many skeletons in our midst,” Chitembeya said.
He said it would almost be impossible to attract sponsors more especially to the lower division as sponsors would be skeptical on how their money would be handled.
Chitembeya said FAZ had lost the integrity tag, hence needed new faces to get on board and cleanse it.
“That is not something new at all. It has been a known factor that there is no transparency and too much corruption at the Football House,” he said.
Chitembeya said Mutafu’s stance to come out in the open was welcome because as FAZ treasurer, he was privy to all the association’s financial dealings.
He, however, wondered why it had taken Mutafu so long to realise the mess at the helm of the football mother body.
“Even when he was coming in he knew about our concerns. So coming up now using those reasons for his resignation six years later is questionable, especially that the term of office is now coming to an end. I suspect it’s not all genuine. Its good but I do suspect his timing is very bad,” said Chitembeya.
He said it was time Zambians selected a credible leader to lead the association away from the corruption and lack of transparency it’s associated with.
He said FAZ should not be used as a bread basket for members whose interest in it was only to pocket money before it reaches the intended purpose of football development.
“That is the reason I am contesting for the FAZ president position. So that for once I can show the nation that it is possible to run the association transparently and openly. Right now, there is too much secrecy on anything that goes on at FAZ,” said Chitembeya.
And alot of clowns still think Kalu as the Mesiah. Lol, y’all need to wake up.
I will not comment this is very disgracing and a very pathetic performance. Somehow one might think the game was sold or fixed…..It is so embarrassing Kalusha must not even utter a word.
“We have to recover and start to prepare for the CHAN now ,” added Kalusha.”
The only recovery Zambia needs is for you Kalu to step down. These failures are in line with your corrupt ways of “Leadership”..if you want to call it Leadership.. I call it daylight thuggery, corruption and epic failure. Do the country a favor and step down.
Kalu has just lost it the vibe he had as a player is no longer there due to the fact that he puts money first and just as both coaches are pathetic but what can the poor clowns do when they have been ordered to play certain players.
We appreciate what you’ve done in the past Kalu but time has come to let go and give FAZ a fresh start….Do the honourable thing by stepping down please.Let us start 2016 afresh!
Kalusha is always going back to the drawing board. South Africa thrashed us 5-2 at the under 20. The same has repeated itself. We are tired! Stop imposing players on the national team we are tired!
Fima faz councilors should not let poverty destroy our will see even next year kalu will bounce back after giving them tuma 50pin per month they ll still give him their season we will stop going to the stadiums to watch our local league in protest only those stupid councilors are the ones who will be watching.this way kalu will be forced to resign twalanda pafula.
ok enough z enough honestly speaking r u telling me dat we dnt av better players at youth level than those clowns they assembled.. Ba kalu insoni ebuntu u av done yo part, for de sake of peace n bit of respect we av left for u pliz kalu twakupapata under this fools leadership we will nt realize our dream of a world berth pliz iwe twakupapata, watulalifya pafula
Simukonda should resign. nothing less or more. he’s failed results are there at nchanga pls. let the zanaco coach n mutapa take over.
The question is how will you prepare? The league is closed, but you will not see anything happen up until a month from kickoff so save us the rhetoric and show us through your actions.
Things like CHAN and COSAFA are important tournaments in showcasing and preparing our talent. People shouldn’t sleep on these tournaments. It was in COSAFA that guys like Collins Mbesuma first made their impact or Rotson Kilambe, Harry Milanzi, or Davis Phiri who had transitioned from U20 and U23 and into the senior team. In CHAN its really only Singuluma who is still having an impact, Nyambe Mulenga, Denis Banda, Sakuwaha these guys had pretty good tournaments, but did not grow as we expected. Either way, it is a great dress rehearsal for the coach and the players.
yes kalu might be failing but the support from the government is not enough. so lets not blame him poor preparation. there is no money to go into and play high profile matches.kalu has some football in his mind but his effort is shattered by poor funding. last time some of the bloggers attacked me when i say the truth.all age groups 17, 20, 23,and senior team qualified to play at major tournament. zambia has no capacity to handle all these qualifications.1 they have no money top upgrade their technical bench…2 they have no money to camp and high profile matches…. 3 they need cash to call up all professionals dotted on the glob…4 the cooperate world has no money to put into football
If pipo runningFAZ will always run to govt for anything then they have failed and they should leave the running of the game to serious pipo who are equal to the task. Not pipo who want to live off has the potential to self finance and what is needed are selfless and focused pipo to run Faz not the parasites that are currently in FAZ.
Leave the soccer representaion of africa to the world to the West Africans because they are more agile than southern africans in soccer. PERIOD. zambia will disgrace africa on the international stage. Leave it to GHANA IVORYCOAST SENEGAL NIGERIA MALI CAMEROON to rep africa come 2018 watch this space
Kalusha has always been a concieted , selfish spoiled brat from his younger years, yes we have heard stories from his peers of how he used to manipulate things to satisfy his big ego, sometimes even breaking rules and always getting away with it because I hear those are the privileges of football royalty(stars), but we can not allow this guy hold the nation at ransom because of his past glory , let us thank him for what he has done for the nation as a player which is a lot, and as an administrator which is not much ,but now its high he stepped down and give chance to others so we can what fresh ideas they can come up with at Football house.
Chan is a very important tournament which can do a lot of good to our players, so we need to take it serious.
a campaign must start, no soccer fun should go to watch either club football or the national team till kalu resigns
No one has answered the questions, which FAZ did better than Kalu, give us facts.
Dull coaches and useless results..these coaches are a disgrace..local coaches are not ready for national duty..
BOOT THE THIEVES FROM FAZ and 90 per cent of our problems will b over. Mutafu did the honourable thing to resign from a corrupt set up. The fact that it came after 6 years shud not b an excuse to let Kalu and his gang of thieves to go scot free! For soccer loving Zambians let’s push for a thorough investigation into the ticketing scum which is a criminal offence, unless u tell me that stealing from Faz is not covered under criminal law? Secondly Kalu and his puppets hv gotten a zero in administrative abilities! We have seen how the defence has leaked goals against DRc, Egypt, SA U23 by 3 goal score lines; using the same wing backs! Thirdly allowances from friendly are shared by all by reducing the amounts due to the players. Fourthly send Janza back to his substantive job at ZESCo of course after being paid his dues from Football House. The chap will reveal mountains of sordid player section which is costing us.
NIKE, PUMA, ADMIRAL, ADIDAS and other sportswear manufacturers do network and a low blow on one affects them all! They definitely are aware of the underhand dealings by Faz regarding replica jerseys! Unless the truth is brought to the surface to clear this matter the chances of getting sponsors is next to nil. To clear matters, get Kalu to make a statement on this matter. An efficient manager does not have the privilege to steal frm company coffers like Kalu is doing! But then modern Zambia is a funny place!! Shit, when u shout thief, a Minister will stand up and shout ‘Sour Grapes’
We r going nowhere with great and selfish Galu at the helm of Foolish Association of Zambia. Also forget about CHAN,the same U23 failures will find their way into the senior team.Lets talk about Chepeshi the boy is not a good right back.
Chamz,here is the answer bro.To be FAZ President u have to be a good administrator not a dealer.(1)Tom Mtine was better than Kalu.(2) Michael Mwape the list is endless.